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Born in Denver Colorado, Mark started his adventure in ceramics in grade school, staying after to help his instructor Mary Paxton clean the shop and get some extra throwing in. Robin’s first pottery making experiences was a little less supervised. She remembers digging clay out of the stream banks in her vast childhood home of Halfway, Oregon and making sun dried pots.

Mark and Robin met in Hood River, Oregon at high school, spending many hours in the art room together. Also during this time Mark had the privilege to do a high school work program, exchanging minor work duties for mentorship under Charlie Laventure - a local potter in Hood River. The fundamental skills of a professional potter learned from Charlie are still used by Mark today.

Down memory lane:

  • Stoneware jug made with the help of Mark's mentor Charlie Laventure, 1979.

  • Terra-Cotta vase made with the help of Mark's first art teacher, Mary Paxton, 1971.

  • Mom really liked the bunny :) I was seven, I think.

Charlie Laventure 
January 22, 1948 - October 27, 2009


Vietnam Marine Core Veteran, Wind Surfer, Village Potter. He was the real deal, and showed Mark the tricks of the trade.

Our high school art teacher and mentor Steve Labadie was instrumental in our artistic development. Steve pointed Robin in the right direction to launch her Graphics Design career. Robin's design skill helps us in our art today and also culminated as an excellent career choice for Rachel. Mark had an adventure in art in Steve’s class. We had full range in the school studio.

Being an open minded and progressive individual, Steve helped us find the potential in ourselves and provided a creative sanctuary in his classroom. Teachers make such a difference - Thank you Steve

College, full time Jobs, and the raising of our beautiful daughter Rachel were also big aspects of our lives. We did manage to hang onto an electric kiln and a kick wheel during the nine moves between High School and now… Which leads us to here and now – certainly the best of times.

Now retired from a 29 year career at Intel, Mark finally has time to dedicate himself to artistic endeavors. As always, Robin makes his art better by combining her truly creative work with his. Our signature work is our collaboration of throwing skill, technical know-how, artistic design, and mastery of hand-building.

We have three kilns now – a Skutt Eclectic kiln used for Bisque firing (we also hope to use it someday for chrystal glaze firing) a small Raku Kiln, and a high fire reduction kiln. 

Robin and Mark love the Northwest summers, and mix work at Creative Enterprises with adventure trips ranging from Oregon to Canada. Camping and Fly fishing, and if the budget allows a winter get-away to visit other artist keeps the motivation up and the batteries charged.

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Robin Smith - Studio Owner   |   |   Home 503.357.8225   |   Cell 503.819.5569

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